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5-SCHICHTIGE VERTEIDIGUNG FÜR IHREN ZEITMESSER Jedes Tudor-Uhrenset wurde mithilfe der neuesten Technologie genau auf das vorgesehene Uhrenmodell abgestimmt. Wir bieten beispiellosen Schutz für diejenigen, die das Beste suchen. Es besteht aus 5 Schichten, ist UV-beständig, optisch klar und hat die Fähigkeit, sich von Oberflächenkratzern selbst zu heilen.
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5-LAYERED DEFENCE FOR YOUR TIMEPIECE Each Tudor watch kit has been precisely measured to fit the intended watch model using the latest technology. We provide unparalleled protection for those seeking the best. Created using 5 layers, it is UV resistant, optically clear, and has the ability to self-heal from surface scratches.
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Spare Sets
Worried about the possibility of making a mistake during the application process? Despite the simplicity of the procedure and our comprehensive instruction guide, we acknowledge that errors can occur. Enhance your peace of mind by including a spare kit of your watch protection kit, ensuring your watch remains fully protected! Available exclusively for purchase as an add-on to the primary protection kit.
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Scratch Removal Paste
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